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Things Kilimanjaro Taught Me: 10 Life Lessons from the Roof of Africa

10 Life Lessons I Learned From Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is not just a physical journey; it’s a profound experience that imparts valuable life lessons things Kilimanjaro taught me. As I ascended to the Roof of Africa, I discovered these ten powerful insights: Mount Kilimanjaro, the majestic peak that pierces the Tanzanian sky, is not just a physical challenge but a profound journey of self-discovery. Scaling its heights teaches valuable life lessons that extend far beyond the summit. Here are 10 things Kilimanjaro taught me about life, perseverance, and the human spirit.

1. Be Kind to Yourself – All the Time:

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is about focus, setting goals, and pushing yourself. But one of the most crucial lessons I learned was not to be too hard on myself. As an athletic person, even though I had never climbed a real mountain before, I did a good job at the top of Africa. However, I realized it’s okay not to be a top performer in every situation. I learned to maintain an empowering inner monologue and persevere, even when faced with challenges.

2. Feel It All:

While guides and porters often emphasize “Hakuna matata” or “Stay positive,” there’s more to it. Positive thinking isn’t about avoiding negative feelings; it’s about accepting them and then refocusing on the good. Vulnerability is part of the process. On Day 2 of my climb, I questioned why I was doing this, but embracing that moment led to rewarding experiences.

3. See Yourself as Part of a Team:

Kilimanjaro isn’t an ego trip; it’s a community goal. Guides, porters, and climbers are all one team. Taking care of each other is essential. Safety and support come from this collective spirit. Kilimanjaro is a team endeavor. Hikers rely on each other for support, encouragement, and shared resources. This experience emphasized the significance of teamwork in achieving common goals and fostering a sense of community.

4. Lose Track of Time:

Kilimanjaro is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. Life, too, is about thinking long-term, persevering, and never giving up. Sometimes, losing track of time allows us to appreciate the journey. Climbing Kilimanjaro involves confronting fears, whether they be of heights, unknown terrain, or physical limitations. Conquering these fears empowers individuals to face challenges outside the mountain, fostering personal growth and resilience.

5. Take Care of Your Body:

Proper nutrition, hydration, and rest are critical. Kilimanjaro taught me to listen to my body and prioritize self-care. Ultimately, reaching Kilimanjaro’s summit is a testament to unwavering perseverance. The journey is demanding, but the reward at the top is worth every step. This lesson serves as a powerful reminder that persistence, even in the face of adversity, can lead to remarkable achievements.

6. Take It ‘Pole, Pole’:

The Swahili phrase “pole, pole” means “slowly, slowly.” It’s a reminder to pace yourself. Rushing won’t get you to the summit; steady progress will. The slow ascent to the summit taught me the value of patience. Kilimanjaro is not a race but a gradual process of acclimatization. This lesson translates into everyday life, reminding me to appreciate the journey, no matter how slow or challenging it may be.

7. Adapting to Change:

Weather conditions on Kilimanjaro can change rapidly. Adapting to these shifts is crucial for success. Life, like the mountain, is unpredictable, and learning to embrace change is essential for personal growth and well-being.

8. The Fragility of Nature:

Kilimanjaro’s shrinking glaciers are a poignant reminder of the fragility of our planet. The climb underscored the urgent need for environmental stewardship, teaching me the responsibility we hold to protect and preserve the natural world.

9. Embracing Simplicity:

Living in the sparse conditions of the mountain teaches one to appreciate the simplicity of life. Basic things Kilimanjaro taught me amenities become luxuries, and this experience fosters gratitude for the essentials that are often taken for granted.

10. Celebrate!:

Rather than chasing the next goal, celebrate your achievements. Kilimanjaro taught me that every moment, every step, is worth acknowledging. Kilimanjaro is climbed in stages, and each campsite reached is a small victory. This lesson translates to celebrating minor achievements in everyday life, fostering a positive mindset and a sense of accomplishment.

Mount Kilimanjaro is not just a geographical landmark; it’s a metaphor for life’s journey. The lessons learned during the climb extend far beyond the mountain’s slopes, shaping individuals into resilient, adaptable, and appreciative beings. The experience is a testament to the transformative power of adventure and the enduring lessons it imparts on the human spirit.

5 bits of advice from past Kilimanjaro climbers

Train Well: Build stamina with cardio and strength training.
Pack Smart: Bring essential gear, including layered clothing and a good sleeping bag.
Hydrate Constantly: Drink plenty of water to combat altitude effects.
Go Slow: Pace yourself to acclimate properly and avoid altitude sickness.
Stay Positive: Maintain a positive mindset and encourage fellow climbers.

Is there power on Kilimanjaro?

Similarly, there is no electricity on Kilimanjaro. There is nowhere to charge camera batteries or smart phones, so plan accordingly. Bring enough camera batteries to last the entire climb. A portable external battery pack is great for recharging phones.

Is there a death zone on Kilimanjaro?

Mount Kilimanjaro, standing at 5,895 meters (19,341 feet), doesn’t have a “Death Zone” in the traditional sense used in high-altitude mountaineering, as its summit is well below 8,000 meters. However, this doesn’t mean the death risks are inexistence.

What is the danger of Kilimanjaro?

However, there are still a few risks to be aware of if you’re planning to scale Mount Kilimanjaro, and underestimating these risks can be dangerous. The main risks are altitude sickness, accidents, inclement weather, and rockfall.

Is it scary to climb Kilimanjaro?

“It’s too dangerous.” Climbing Kilimanjaro has its risks. The biggest danger by far is acute mountain sickness (AMS), which can be fatal if allowed to progress. Altitude affects everyone differently.

Is Kilimanjaro beginner friendly?

As we have said, Kilimanjaro is not a technical hike and is perfectly suitable for beginners with little or no experience.

How much do you tip on Kilimanjaro?

The suggested tips for the safari are $15-$30/day for the guide (who is also the driver). So for instance, in a five day safari the guide can be tipped $75-$150 total from the entire group (not per individual). Small tips ($1) may be given to hotel staff or drivers for their service, however this is not customary.

How hard is it to breathe on Kilimanjaro?

At this height, the air pressure (and the amount of oxygen it contains) is less than half that at sea level, and has been said to be comparable to ‘working with only one lung’.

How many hours a day do you climb Kilimanjaro?

Most days you’ll hike for around four to six hours. But on summit day, which begins at midnight, you’ll need to hike for around 12 to 16 hours! This is because your hike to Uhuru Peak, the summit of Kilimanjaro, takes around six or seven hours, but you must then descend a long way to reach that night’s campsite.

How many miles do you hike a day for Kilimanjaro?

The full day is 12 – 14 hours of trekking and covers 11.2 miles/ 18.1km. 1,245m/ 4,084 feet up the mountain from Barafu or 1,095m/ 3,592 feet up from Kosovo Camp to the summit. You then have 2,795m/ 9,169 feet downhill, all on the same day.

Do you sleep in tents on Kilimanjaro?

The Marangu Route is the only path which offers huts, while all other seven routes require camping in a tent. Camping on the mountain is part of the adventure, and after a long day on the trail, your tent will become your own private sanctuary to rest and recover.

How much weight can a bag hold on Kilimanjaro?

But on Kilimanjaro, the limiting factor isn’t the space in your duffle: it’s the weight of your items. Porters on Kilimanjaro are only allowed to carry 33 pounds each up the mountain, a limit Thomson strictly adheres to for their health and safety.

What is the story behind Kilimanjaro?

Mount Kilimanjaro’s three peaks were formed after volcanic eruptions millions of years ago. One volcanic cone, Shira, is now extinct and eroded, while the other two, Mawenzi and Kibo, ‘melted’ together after subsequent eruptions. Kibo is now the highest with its famous Uhuru peak at almost 6000m above sea level.

What is the legend of the Kilimanjaro?

What Legend Has To Say About Mount Kilimanjaro? According to legend, the first person to ascend Mount Kilimanjaro was King Menelik I, supposedly the son of King Solomon and Queen of Sheba. He ruled the Axumite Empire in what is now northern Ethiopia in the 10th Century BC and fought battles in present-day Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, and Tanzania

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