African Safari Tours

Amazing Best Time for a Safari in Tanzania.

Optimal time for a safari in Tanzania is during the dry season, from June to October. This period, particularly July to September, offers ideal wildlife viewing conditions in popular destinations like the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater.

The dry season concentrates animals around water sources, enhancing the chances of witnessing the Great Migration, where vast herds of wildebeest and zebras move across the Serengeti. Additionally, the skies remain clear, allowing for uninterrupted game drives and excellent photographic opportunities. 

Discover the Magic of Tanzania in December: A Comprehensive Guide. Tanzania, with its breathtaking landscapes, diverse wildlife, …

Discovering the Allure of Tanzania in November:  As the African sun sets ablaze the vast landscapes of …

Exploring Tanzania in October: A Perfect Blend of Wildlife and Tranquility. With its diverse landscapes and rich …

Discover the Wonders of Tanzania in September: Visitor numbers are starting to drop off now; there is …

Discovering Tanzania in August: A Tropical Paradise Beckons. August in Tanzania is a splendid time to explore …

Exploring the Wonders of Tanzania in July: A Comprehensive Travel Guide. July is a captivating time to …

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