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Why Green Season is the Best Time for a Safari

Explore Tanzania's Wonders: Why Green Season is the Best Time for a Safari.

A Low / Green Season Safari Guide – Embarking on a safari is a thrilling adventure, and choosing the right time to experience the wonders of the wild can significantly why green season is the best time for a safari to enhance your journey. While many travelers opt for the dry season, there’s an often-overlooked gem – the green season.

Tanzania, with its iconic landscapes and diverse wildlife, is a haven for safari enthusiasts. While the dry season has traditionally been the preferred time for many travelers, the often-overlooked gem of the green season offers a unique and rewarding experience. Here are compelling reasons why the green season is the best time for a safari adventure in Tanzania. High season in East Africa typically runs from July through to the end of October, as these are the driest months of the year. Here are 10 compelling reasons why the Low/ green season might just be the best time for a safari.

Lush Landscapes:

The green season in Tanzania, typically from November to May, sees the landscapes transform into a lush, verdant paradise. The rains breathe life into the plains, creating a stunning tapestry of greenery that adds a magical touch to your safari experience. 

In East Africa, one of the greatest advantages of the Green Season is that you won’t experience traffic jams of safari vehicles around animal sightings. You can also experience a period in the Wildebeest Migration that is dramatic, endearing and awe-inspiring!

Great Migration and Calving Season:

Witnessing the Great Migration in Tanzania’s Serengeti is a bucket-list experience. Contrary to popular belief, the green season is an excellent time to catch a glimpse of this awe-inspiring spectacle. The herds gather for calving season, and the lush grass provides ample sustenance for the mothers and their newborns.

Birdwatcher’s Paradise:

Tanzania boasts a remarkable diversity of bird species, and the green season is a haven for birdwatchers. Migratory birds flock to the region, joining the resident species in a vibrant display of colors and melodies. Lake Manyara and the Ngorongoro Crater are particularly rich in birdlife during this time.

Fewer Tourists, More Intimacy:

One of the significant advantages of visiting Tanzania during the green season is the reduced number of tourists. This means a more intimate and exclusive safari experience, allowing you to connect with the wildlife and landscapes without the crowds.

Affordable Safari Options:

With lower demand during the green season, safari lodges and accommodations often offer more affordable rates. This makes it an opportune time for budget-conscious travelers to experience the wonders of Tanzania without compromising on the quality of their safari adventure.

Stunning Photography Opportunities:

The combination of dramatic skies, lush landscapes, and the vibrant hues of the flora during the green season creates a photographer’s dream. Capture the raw beauty of Tanzania with stunning images that showcase the unique charm of the region.

Refreshing Waterholes and Active Wildlife:

The rains replenish waterholes, drawing wildlife from all around. This concentration of animals near water sources increases your chances of witnessing thrilling predator-prey interactions and other natural behaviors, providing an unforgettable safari experience.

Comfortable Temperatures:

Tanzania can be hot and dry during the dry season, but the green season offers more comfortable temperatures. Enjoy your safari adventures without the intensity of the sun, making outdoor activities more pleasant. In the lowlands and coastal areas, the average temperature ranges from 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F), while in the highlands, temperatures tend to be slightly cooler, ranging from 15°C to 20°C (59°F to 68°F). As Tanzania faces one of the wettest months of the year, rains can be sudden. The long rains begin in March and end in May, while the short rains begin in October and continues to early December. In general, annual rainfall varies from 550 mm in the central part of the country up to 3690 mm in some parts of south-western highlands.

Cultural Encounters:

The green season is not just about wildlife; it also brings opportunities for cultural interactions. Visit local communities and experience the vibrant traditions and customs of the Tanzanian people, adding depth to your safari journey.

Supporting Conservation Efforts:

Opting for a safari during the green season contributes to sustainable tourism and conservation efforts. Supporting wildlife reserves and local communities during the off-peak period helps ensure the long-term preservation of Tanzania’s natural treasures.

Why ‘Green Season’ Is Actually the Best Time to Go on Safari?

If you arrive on safari when the Green Season is underway, you’ll be blessed with a more colorful safari experience. Some, or most, of the classically dry scrublands and grasses will have come to life and turned green. For photographers, this can make for some more lively images.

Pros & Cons of a Green Season Safari

Lots of baby animals around – excellent for predator action.
Fantastic time for birdwatching.
No crowds – national parks are quiet.
Sublime photography conditions.
Low accommodation rates.

Why should you go on an African Safari During Green Season?

Best of all, it’s the time of year when you might actually have the wilderness all to yourself. Because it’s safari’s low season, there are few visitors – even in prime destinations. In countries like Kenya and Tanzania, you can have the best game viewing of the year completely crowd-free. One of the key reasons why the green season is considered the best time to visit Africa is the sheer beauty it brings to the landscapes.

The benefits of visiting Africa during the green season – lower rates: Lodges and camps often offer reduced rates during this season. Fewer crowds: Enjoy the parks and reserves without the usual crowds. Beautiful scenery: The lush vegetation makes for stunning landscapes and excellent photographic safari opportunities.

Why ‘green season’ is Actually the best time to Go on Safari?

Why We Love the Green Season? Top Reasons to Travel to Africa during the Green Season · Reason #1 – Baby Animals · Reason #2 – Fewer People · Reason #3 – It’s Turning Green, Reason #4 – Stretch Your Dollars Further, Reason #5 – The Migration Is Always in Motion, Reason #6 – Perfect Timing with Holidays.

What makes the Green Season so special? 

Aside from the spectacular colours that appear, the Green Season also brings new life. It may be a little harder to see some of the big animals in all the new foliage, but the diversity of creatures that comes with the rains more than makes up for it. ‘Green Season’ is a safari industry term for a specific period in Africa that falls within the warm rainy months. It is traditionally considered the low season for safari travel and an unfavourable time for game viewing, as animals are harder to spot in the abundance of new leaves and tall grasses.

What is the green season in East Africa?

When is the Green Season? That’s a trick question as it is varies between the continent’s regions. Between December and March, Southern Africa usually experiences rainfall while the rains usually begin in November or December in East Africa and have largest bursts of color and some rain in April and May. However, the ‘wet season’, also known as the ‘Green Season,’ is considered by most safari enthusiasts to be the best kept secret. Dusty landscapes turn into a scenic paradise. Flowers grow, the bush flourishes, the air smells fresh, and the beauty of the landscape is breathtaking!

What are best Tanzania places to visit during the green season?

Serengeti National Park: Witness the Great Migration during the green season in Serengeti, where lush landscapes set the stage for dramatic wildebeest calving and vibrant predator-prey interactions.

Ngorongoro Crater: Explore the verdant Ngorongoro Crater, a wildlife haven in Tanzania. The green season unveils a thriving ecosystem with abundant flora and fauna, offering a picturesque setting for safari enthusiasts.

Tarangire National Park: Visit Tarangire National Park to witness its lush greenery, attracting large herds of elephants and a myriad of bird species during the green season. Add on Lake Manyara National Park, Arusha National Park, Kilimanjaro National Park, Lake Eyasi and Lake Natron.

While the dry season may be the more popular choice for safaris, the green season presents a unique and captivating experience for those willing to venture off the beaten path. From lush landscapes and adorable baby animals to vibrant birdlife and affordable rates, the green season offers a host of reasons to consider it the best time for a safari adventure. So, pack your bags, embrace the magic of the wild, and discover the untamed beauty of the green season.

Why Green Season is the best time to go to Africa:
  • Calving season. Hundreds of newborn antelope are bound to attract predators so you can expect to witness cheetah, lion and leopard in action.
  • Photographer’s dream. The rain transforms the dry winter vegetation into vivid green landscapes with clean-washed air and striking sunsets.
  • Fewer crowds and lower rates. You can expect up to 30% off high season rates* and to enjoy the same wildlife scenes with fewer vehicles competing for the action.
  • Birds! The summer months bring a bounty of amazing migratory birds in breeding plumage that prepare to build their nests and raise their young during this time.
  • Avoid cold temperatures. Because Green Season coincides with summer in Africa, you can expect higher temperatures on your morning game drives opposed to cooler mornings in the dry season.
Best Places to Visit During the Green Season:

Tanzania: East Africa offers uncrowded game viewing during the Wildebeest Migration, with November rains attracting herds to the southern Serengeti. Africa’s green season is a hidden gem that not many travelers are aware of. Spanning from November to April, it’s a time of rejuvenation and rebirth, with the rains breathing new life into the landscapes. Let’s delve into the beauty and benefits of the green season, sharing why it’s a well-kept secret worth experiencing. Other places to visit to green season safari in Tanzania are lake Manyara, Tarangire, Arusha National Park, Kilimanjaro National Park, Ngorongoro crater, Lake Eyasi, Mkomazi National Park, Zanzibar beach trips vacation holidays. 

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